Targa Florio 1932 – a unique atmosphere
This very colourful painting shows the start-finish area in the 1932 Targa Florio, with the pits to the right. Tazio Nuvolari won the race in an Alfa Romeo 2300 Monza in 7hr 15min 50.6sec, with Baconin Borzacchini second in another Monza. Louis Chiron and Achille Varzi, sharing a Bugatti, took third place. Among the entries were five Alfa Romeos, five Bugattis, two Maseratis, two Fiats and an O.M. — and only six finished.
Alfa Romeo have every reason to regard the Targa Florio race in Sicily with great pride, for they have won the event no fewer than nine times – 1923, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1950 and 1971.