E. Vincent. Neveu.
Lithography on paper
This is one of the earliest posters ever created for the pedal-powered mode of transport by an unknown artist. Here we see a decoratively appealing rendering of a tricycle model Royal Salvo produced by E. Vincent Neveu. The illustration is near-photographic in its model specificity and offers a glimpse into the early days of cycling.
The E. Vincent Neveu factories were on Rue Lafayette 219 in Paris. The Royal Salvo tricycle was based on the 1881 Salvo Squad by James Starley. The shape and parts are even similar. The ‘Royal’ addition to the Salvo name originated from Queen Victoria’s purchase of two of the Salvo tricycles. The Salvo Quad or Royal Quad was the most popular tricycle of the late 1800’s.
Publishing House E.V. Camis, 58, Rie St. Sabin Paris